In spite of being deprived of liberty by a state body, citizens sentenced to imprisonment are entitled to a series of rights and liberties that are not taken away and the state is obliged to respect and protect those rights and liberties. The position of persons deprived of liberty is determined by the Constitution, numerous laws and other regulations and general acts, as well as ratified international treaties and generally accepted rules of international law.
The complaints concerning the treatment in the institution mainly refer to inadequate health protection, rejection of request for transfer to other institution within the Administration for the Execution of Penitentiary Sanctions, while one of them is related to illegal solitary confinement.
In order to protect persons deprived of liberty, the Protector of Citizens will submit initiatives for amending the laws which determine the position of persons deprived of liberty.
The Protector of Citizens oversees the respect of rights of persons deprived of liberty within the activities of state administration bodies, primarily of the institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice - Administration for the Execution of Penitentiary Sanctions, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The Protector of Citizens carefully monitors legality and regularity of their work regarding the persons deprived of liberty, and identifies violations committed both by acts and actions and by failure to act.
In order to protect the rights of persons deprived of liberty, the Protector of Citizens cooperates with competent state institutions and non-governmental organizations dealing with civil rights and liberties, primarily with rights and liberties of persons deprived of liberty, as well as appropriate international bodies, such as the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.