The Protector of Citizens (Ombudsman) can, upon your complaint or at his/her own initiative, examine whether an administration body has treated you correctly (in a legal and regular manner), when, by applying the regulations of the Republic of Serbia, it was deciding about your rights, obligation or legal interests, or influencing them. If the Ombudsman has identified the omission or irregularity, he/she will demand the correction of such error and suggest an appropriate method for such correction. The Protector of Citizens will react also if you, a group that you belong to or all citizens are denied or can be denied human or minority rights or liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and binding international documents. The Ombudsman particularly protects children, persons with disabilities, persons deprived of liberty, women (gender equality principle) as well as national minority members in exercising additional individual and collective rights. The National Assembly, the President of the Republic of Serbia, the Government, the Constitutional Court, courts and public prosecutors are excluded from the Protector of Citizen’s control.