
The Protector of Citizens, on his own initiative, based on information from the media that the police in Belgrade arrested a father for neglecting and abusing his five children, whom he forced to beg, requested information from the Centre for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking on the handling of this case and from the Third Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade to inform him about the circumstances of the father's deprivation of liberty.

Regarding the same case, the Protector of Citizens, on his own initiative, launched an investigation to control the regularity and legality of work of the Belgrade City Centre for Social Work and the Ministry of Family Welfare and Demography.

The Protector of Citizens requested from the City Centre for Social Work in Belgrade to inform him within 15 days about the actions of the competent department of the Centre for Social Work in this case and the measures taken by that body to remedy the possible omissions, and from the competent ministry to conduct, within the same period, supervision over the professional work of the competent CSW department and to report to him on the actions taken in the specific case.