Control investigation by the Protector of Citizens over the attempted removal of children from the family
Following press reports about the attempt to remove two children from Suvi Do village in the vicinity of Blace who live with their grandmother, the Protector of Citizens launched own-initiative investigation to control work legality and regularity of Blace Social Welfare Center.
The Protector of Citizens learned from the media that children’s mother had passed away, the father had abandoned them, that the grandmother had reported the father for violence against children on multiple occasions, and as she alleged the police reacted only at that moment and imposed urgent measure, and that the grandmother had applied for custody of the children.
Due to all the above, the Protector of Citizens has asked SWC Blace to submit a report within 15 days on whether the family, in which the children have been living, has been on the Center’s records, whether there have been reports of domestic violence and what activities the Center undertook to provide protection and support to family members.
The Protector of Citizens has also asked SWC Blace to provide him with data on the activities it undertook in the process of removing children, as well as data on cooperation with the police in this case.
Simultaneously with this procedure, the Protector of Citizens requested the Ministry of Family Care and Demography to control the work of SWC Blace and to submit a report on monitoring and activities undertaken within 15 days.
Considering the announcement of the Minister of Police covered by the media that the police activities on all reports of violence in this family will be investigated, the Protector of Citizens requested the Ministry of the Interior to submit data on police activities regarding the current report of violence against children, as well as on the activities undertaken regarding the previous reports of violence.