Јаnkоvić: Decisions of the Managing Board of the Clinical Centre in Niš pave the way for more efficient, more available, faster, cheaper and lawful treatment of citizens
Friday, 18 November 2011
The Protector of Citizens Sаšа Јаnkоvić has received the meeting minutes and decisions of the Managing Board of the Clinical Centre in Niš by which they seek to rectify the irregularities in their work, established by the control of the Republic Protector of Citizens, but also to regulate other aspects of work of that important medical institution. In connection therewith, the Protector of Citizens would like to publicly express his satisfaction with the content of these decisions.
“The decisions of the Managing Board of the Clinical Centre in Niš pave the way for more efficient, more available, faster, cheaper and lawful treatment of citizens and for preventing a series of irregularities and unlawful actions. I want to believe that they will be fully implemented and it will be controlled”, states the Republic Protector of Citizens.
The Managing Board of the Clinical Centre in Niš decided (and the Director ordered) to terminate the additional work for which the prescribed approval has not been obtained from the Ministry of Health; to introduce shifts instead of additional work, to obtain information about employees who work outside the Clinical Center and that the Managing Board should approve official trips abroad. Other issues were also raised at the meeting of the Managing Board, such as financing of medical doctors’ official trips by pharmaceutical companies, the manner of public procurement, conflict of interest and other issues of importance for the proper functioning of any medical and public institution.
The Protector of Citizens calls on the management of all medical institutions in the country to get acquainted with the content and outcomes of the control procedure carried out in the Clinical Centre in Niš, including the decisions of the Managing Board of that Centre, in order to improve and correct their work by themselves, without waiting for control bodies, in the intеrеst of patients and dignity of medical profession.
The copy of the meeting minutes of the Managing Board of the Clinical Centre in Niš and the Director’s decision that was sent to the Protector of Citizens are available at the webpage www.zastitnik.rs.
The Protector of Citizens held several meetings with the association of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis seeking to provide more accessible health care and application of the latest methods in treating multiple sclerosis and other diseases, equally for all citizens of Serbia. The Protector of Citizens will continue talks also with the Ministry of Health and the Health Insurance Fund, for the purpose of improving the position of these and other patients.